
Brushworks Painting & Decorating use the finest paints and stains on the market (Benjamin Moore, Muralo, Sherwin Williams, Cabot Stains, Minwax Stains.)

There are a variety of interior/exterior paint finishes to choose from as described below.

Interior Finishes:

Flat - A paint with a flat surface that does not reflect light and generally used on ceilings and walls of formal rooms. Flat finishes are usually non-washable and cleaning is not advised.

Matte - A durable paint with a flat, non-glossy finish usually used for walls. Matte finishes can endure light cleaning, but heavy cleaning is not recommended.

Eggshell - A durable paint with a low sheen and gloss reminiscent of an eggshell. Eggshell finishes are normally used on walls, have a slightly higher sheen level than flat, and clean better than flat finishes as they can endure moderate level cleaning.

Satin - A durable paint with a smooth, velvety gloss texture. Satin can be used in high traffic areas because it can hold up to heavy cleaning and light scrubbing, and is most often used for doors, windows, and other trim.

Semi-Gloss - A highly durable paint with a subtle shine that isn't overbearing. Semi-Gloss is usually used for doors, trim, kitchens and bathrooms because it can easily endure heavy cleaning.

Gloss - Gloss and High Gloss are highly durable paints that have a reflective shine reminiscent of plastic. Gloss, though not often prescribed, can be used on cabinets and trim.

Exterior Finishes:

Flat - A durable paint with a flat, non-glossy matte finish with excellent hiding capability

Low Lustre - An exceptionally durable, low lustre paint with very good hiding capability and superb color retention.

Soft/Medium Gloss - Exceptionally durable, soft gloss paint with good hiding capability and color retention.

High Gloss - A protective finish that provides a smooth, high gloss sheen. High gloss exhibits excellent leveling and moderate hiding capability.

Deck & Siding Stains - Durable and protective stains that seal wooden decks and shingles. Stains are available in clear or transparent finishes and are also available in a variety of colors.

Solid or Semi - Solid stains are used to mask the grain and color of the wood without changing the texture.